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Home Home Into Spring Harvest Mode we go… Fruits and veggies galore

May has brought on spring harvest of fresh fruits and veggies. We have started harvesting squash, zucchini, cucumbers, apricots, and cling peaches.

Within the next few weeks we will start watermelons, tomatoes (oh how I am so excited for a fresh tomato!), and cantaloupes. I guess you could say this is out side job… ha ha! It is a full-time job with long days and temperatures already well in the hundreds.

We grow our produce under black plastic. A water dripline is laid under the plastic for irrigation. This enables us to transplant our plants and helps the grow with more heat from the plastic. Irrigation drip line ensures a more direct application of water to ensure no waste.

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Seeds are started in greenhouses in late February. We start laying plastic in February or March. Transplants are planted in late April and then shortly onto harvest.